阿班与蒂儿 Adventures of Abney and Teal 简介

《阿班与蒂儿 Adventures of Abney and Teal》是英国广播公司BBC下属儿童频道CBeebies制作的,取材于著名童书作家Joel Stewart创作出来的人物和故事。此节目是《天线宝宝》制作团队的又一佳作。动画采用2D加CGI的混合制作方式,配合独特的手绘风格,让整部卡通充满怀旧的艺文气息;而故事设定的都市背景,则为内容情节增添了些现代感。
《阿班与蒂儿》自2011年9月在BBC CBeebies播出,共播出2季52集,每集11分钟。适合3-6岁的小朋友观看。

阿班与蒂儿 Adventures of Abney and Teal 剧情


英文版阿班与蒂儿 Adventures of Abney and Teal 第二季 剧集
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E01 The Very Cold Day.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E01 The Very Cold Day.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E02 Straw Hat Trouble.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E02 Straw Hat Trouble.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E03 The Visit .avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E03 The Visit .srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E04 The Enormous Sneeze.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E04 The Enormous Sneeze.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E05 The Handbag.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E05 The Handbag.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E06 Neep and the Dragon.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E06 Neep and the Dragon.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E07 The Mysterious Mist.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E07 The Mysterious Mist.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E08 The Very Hot Day.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E08 The Very Hot Day.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E09 Hiccups.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E09 Hiccups.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E10 The Enormous Cabbage.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E10 The Enormous Cabbage.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E11 The Summerhouse.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E11 The Summerhouse.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E12 Brilliant Wheels.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E12 Brilliant Wheels.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E13 Bops Babies.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E13 Bops Babies.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E14 Sleep Digging.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E14 Sleep Digging.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E15 The Porridge Tower.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E15 The Porridge Tower.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E16 Abneys Aquarium.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E16 Abneys Aquarium.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E17 Shadows.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E17 Shadows.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E18 The Cafe.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E18 The Cafe.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E19 Abneys Precious Things.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E19 Abneys Precious Things.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E20 Frogs.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E20 Frogs.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E21 Sticky Neep.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E21 Sticky Neep.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E22 The Porridge Machine.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E22 The Porridge Machine.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E23 The Camera.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E23 The Camera.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E24 Spring Cleaning.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E24 Spring Cleaning.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E25 Spots.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E25 Spots.srt
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E26 Rock Music.avi
Adventures of Abney and Teal S02E26 Rock Music.srt

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